White Robed Monks of St. Benedict

Funeral/Memorial Petition

Peace be with you.
Once we received this form, we will be better able to accommodate your request.
May many blessings be to you and yours.
The White Robed Monks of St. Benedict
Please check as appropriate:

Yes, this is a Funeral/Memorial Petition I am now about to submit.
Please enter today's date (MM/DD/YY)

Please enter your name:
First Name:    
Middle Initial:  
Last Name:    

Please enter your mailing postal address:
Address: City:

Please enter your home phone number with area code: 
Please enter your work phone number with area code:  
Please enter your cell phone number with area code:    
Please enter your e-mail address:     
Please re-enter your e-mail address: 
Name of priest/deacon whom you may be requesting specifically to officiate at the Funeral/Memorial:

Deceased First Name:      
Deceased Middle Name:  
Deceased Last Name:      
Date of Death (MM/DD/YY):
City of Death:
State /Province:

Deceased Religious Tradition
If "Other" religious tradition, please cite name of tradition:

If Catholic, please denote jurisdiction in which deceased practiced:

If "Other" or Independent (*Autocephalous) Catholic, please cite name of jurisdiction:

If a Protestant , please denote the denomination in which the deceased practiced:

If "Other," please cite name of denomination:

Funeral or Memorial

Please, if you so choose, let us know a few words about the deceased.

Please, if you so choose, let us know specifics you may have in mind/heart regarding the deceased's funeral rites.

Thank you. Peace and Joy to you and yours.
White Robed Monks of St. Benedict

Please PRINT this form for your records prior to clicking Submit.
Note: We strongly recommend that you send a separate e-mail to Web Master with Subject being Funeral Petition
and in message area: your contact e-mail, Last Name, Date of Funeral(mm-dd-yy) and phone number.
We will confirm within 24 hours whether or not we received your petition. Thank you.

Type the number:


Father Abbot
White Robed Monks of St. Benedict
Post Office Box 27536
San Francisco CA 94127-0536 USA
Phone: 415-292-3228
Page URL: http://www.whiterobedmonks.org/funerala.html
Copyright © 2004-2009 White Robed Monks of St. Benedict

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