White Robed Monks of St. Benedict

Daily Readings of the Rules

Peace be with you.

The Rule of the White Robed Monks grew out of the wisdom in St. Benedict's original rule. Our study of the Zen Rule of White Robed Monks of St. Benedict begins with a reading and contemplation of the original. The Feast of St. Benedict is March 21st, also the first day of Spring. March 21 through July 27 we read the original. The remainder of the Benedictine monastic year we devote to the Zen Rule.

The Rule of St. Benedict

(Please refer to Page Source for information on origin of the above division as well as other background information on the Rule of St. Benedict and links to the Roman Catholic Order of St. Benedict.)

Zen Rule of St. Benedict

(Novices: Please refer to Novitiate materials, "The Holy Rule of the White Robed Monks of St. Benedict." Please further divide each Chapter — whether long or short — into meaningful packets for specific daily reflection, then contemplation, then integration. Please Note: These daily readings are in conjunction with the admonition to read the entire rule three times during the novitiate year as noted in log.)


White Robed Monks of St. Benedict
Post Office Box 27536
San Francisco CA 94127-0536 USA
Phone: 415-292-3228
e-mail: webmaster@whiterobedmonks.org
Page URL: http://www.whiterobedmonks.org/ndaily.html
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